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Schwermann, A.H., Wuttke, M., dos Santos Rolo, T., Caterino, M.S., Bechly, G., Schmied, H., Baumbach, T. & van de Kamp, T. (2016): The fossil insects of the Quercy region: a historical review. Entomologie heute 28: 127-142.
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Huang, D.-Y., Bechly, G., Nel, P., Engel, M.S., Prokop, J., Azar, D., Cai, C.-Y., van de Kamp, T., Staniczek, A.H., Garrouste, R., Krogmann, L., dos Santos Rolo T., Baumbach, T., Ohlhoff, R., Shmakov, A.S., Bourgoin, T. & Nel, A. (2016): New fossil insect order Permopsocida elucidates major radiation and evolution of suction feeding in hemimetabolous insects (Hexapoda: Acercaria). Scientific Reports 6: 23004.
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van de Kamp, T., Cecilia, A., dos Santos Rolo, T., Vagovič, P., Baumbach, T. & Riedel, A. (2015): Comparative thorax morphology of death-feigning flightless cryptorhynchine weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) based on 3D reconstructions. Arthropod Structure & Development 44: 509-523.
van de Kamp, T., Dörstelmann, M., dos Santos Rolo, T., Baumbach, T., Menges, A. & Knippers, J. (2015): Beetle elytra as role models for lightweight building construction. Entomologie heute 27: 149-158.
van de Kamp, T., dos Santos Rolo, T., Baumbach, T. & Greven, H. (2015): X-ray radiography of a spraying stick insect (Phasmatodea). Entomologie heute 27: 37-44.
van de Kamp, T., dos Santos Rolo, T., Baumbach, T. & Krogmann, L. (2014): Scanning the past – synchrotron X-ray microtomography of fossil wasps in amber. Entomologie heute 26: 151-160.
Butcher, B.A., Zaldivar-Riverón, A., van de Kamp, T., dos Santos Rolo, T., Baumbach, T. & Quicke, D.L.J. (2014): Extension of historical range of Betylobraconinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) into Palaearctic Region based on a Baltic amber fossil, and description of a new species of Mesocentrus Szépligeti from Papua New Guinea. Zootaxa 3860(5): 449-463.
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dos Santos Rolo, T., Ershov, A., van de Kamp, T. & Baumbach, T. (2014): In vivo X-ray cine-tomography for tracking morphological dynamics. PNAS 111(11): 3921-3926.
Vršanský, P., van de Kamp, T., Azar, D., Prokin, A., Vidlička, L. & Vagovič, P. (2013): Cockroaches likely cleaned up after dinosaurs. PLoS ONE 8(12): e80560.
van de Kamp, T., Ershov, A., dos Santos Rolo, T., Riedel, A. & Baumbach, T. (2013): Insect imaging at the ANKA Synchrotron Radiation Facility. Entomologie heute 25: 147-160.
Riedel, A., dos Santos Rolo, T., Cecilia, A. & van de Kamp, T. (2012): Sayrevilleinae Legalov, a new subfamily of fossil weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Attelabidae) and the use of synchrotron microtomography to examine inclusions in amber. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 165(4): 773-794.
van de Kamp, T., Vagovič, P., Baumbach, T. & Riedel, A. (2011): A biological screw in a beetle's leg. Science 333: 52.